It is time for our Year 9 Students to start thinking about their options for their KS4 subjects; the subjects they will be studying for their last two years and gaining their qualifications in. This is an incredibly important decision, which allows students to pursue the subjects they feel the most passionate about and are the strongest in, providing them with the most appropriate qualifications for the next stage of their continued progress.
We have a few events coming up that it is important to attend in order to ensure you have all of the information possible around your child’s choices.
- Year 9 Parents evening on Thursday 18th January 2024
- Year 9 Guided Choices evening on Thursday 7th March 2024
Please note that your child’s final choices then need to be submitted Friday 22nd March 2024.
Students will study core subjects of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, Core PE, PSHE/Citizenship.
Students will choose options from each block, for their Ebacc (English Bachelorette) option, the will be choosing either History or Geography.
Considering Careers
In Year 9, getting curious and exploring what is possible is probably the best thing that your child can do, to help them to develop some career ideas. Talking to your child about your own career development, and encouraging them to speak to other adults they know about their careers, is a great place to start.
There are lots of useful websites to help you and your child explore your initial career ideas. There are some careers quizzes on the following link which can help develop ideas you’re your child may with to do:
Many industries have specific career quizzes and guides which can help you develop your ideas, including MI5 and the CITB with their construction quiz. Here are a few that may interest you: Questions
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
For subject-specific queries, you are welcome to contact individual Heads of Department through the office email: